We offer a wide variety of services, to make learning more accessible for your student.

Our Unique Services


A Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) instructs students with visual impairments in disability-specific skills related to the areas of the expanded core curriculum so that students have access to the education curriculum and can function independently to the highest degree possible.


Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialists teach individuals with visual impairments how to travel safely, confidently and independently in their environment. They work with our students usually on a one-to-one basis at school or in the community.


An Intervener is a person who works one-on-one with an individual who is deaf-blind to help them gather auditory and visual information, develop and use communication skills, and establish relationships.

VI Paraprofessional

A VI Paraprofessional is a one-on-one support professional for a visually impaired student. They are trained in braille codes, assistive technology, and other areas of the expanded core curriculum. They help ensure accessibility, including material preparation. A VI Paraprofessional’s main goal is to help the student become as independent as possible.

Material Prep

Braille, large-print, tactile materials, and materials for students with neurological visual impairments, such as CVI.